Sunday 2 June 2013

Week 5 - Dictionary scavenger Hunt

Click Here

Complete the Dictionary Challenge in your literacy book

Title - Dictionary Challenge

Friday 24 May 2013

Week 4 - Slave Spelling

Find a friend and give each other an oral spelling test.
The person who misses the most words must be the other
person's slave for the day (or any other appropriate

Saturday 18 May 2013

Week 3 - Write your words backwards

Write your words backwards NEATLY in your literacy book


Saturday 11 May 2013

Week 2 - Draw a picture for your word

Picture Words

Draw a picture next to each of your spelling words

eg  Horse -

Thursday 2 May 2013

Week 1 - Listen and Spell or Spelling activity

Complete 1 activity this week

Audio activity (at least 10 minutes)


Spelling activity

 Comic Strip – 
Create a comic strip using at least seven of your spelling words. 

Sunday 14 April 2013

Week 11 - Write a Story

Write a Story!

Write a goofy spelling story using
each of your spelling words.
Be sure to underline your words
as you use them.
Illustrate and color your story!

Sunday 7 April 2013

Week 10 - Train Words


Write your words end-to-end as one
long word (like a train). Use a different
colored crayon for each word.

Hint - You could even make a train word like a train track that has twists and turns...